HOW TO USE THE PGAPATCH DISK: 1) Insert the floppy into your 3.5" drive. 2) Copy all files to your PGA Directory on your hard drive. (for example: copy a:\*.* c:\PGA486) 3) To run the VESA DRIVER type "UNIVBE.EXE" 4) To run the game type "PGA486.COM" PROBLEMS CORRECTED WITH THIS PATCH DISK: The file PGA486.COM will correct any problems with the launcher. (error examples: UNABLE TO FIND C:\PGA486\GOLFVM.EXE or UNABLE TO FIND CD??? errors) The UNIVBE.EXE is used to correct any problems with Video Cards that have difficulties with PGA486. ATI USERS: This driver should correct all incompatibilities between ATI Vesa drivers and PGA486. This driver should correct any problems with outdated Vesa drivers, any launcher problems, and any recurring DOS4GW 4001 Errors. Full documentation and a VBE test program are included. NOTE: This program is licensed only for use with PGA486 all valid copyright laws apply. COMPAQ USERS: UNIVBE.EXE is not compatible with all versions of Q-VISION built in video systems. Please contact COMPAQ customer support and ask for the driver CPQVESA.EXE (VERSION 1.11). Thank you for reporting your concerns to EA Customer Support, and thank you for your patience. HITMEN PRODUCTIONS